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User Info

Contains commands to show information about Discord user accounts.


Shows general information about the requested user.

.[userinfo|user|uinfo|ui|userstats|stats] [user]


Argument Required Description
user The user whose information is requested. If omitted, the requesting user receives their own information as a direct message.

The user information given by this command includes:

  • Current username, discriminator, avatar and id
  • Membership status
  • User activity (provided by Inactivity)
  • Active punishments (provided by Mod Tools)
  • Moderation statistics (provided by Mod Tools):
    • Reports
    • Warns
    • Mutes
    • Kicks
    • Bans


  • Every user is allowed to request their own information.
  • Requesting other users' information, however, requires the user_info.view_userinfo permission.


Moderation statistics:

  • The term active refers to the number of times this user has actively reported/punished someone else.
  • The term passive refers to the number of times this user has been reported/punished e.g. by a moderator.


Shows a rough estimate of how much time has passed since the last verification of a given member. If no Verified role has been configured yet, this estimate refers to the last join date of this member.

.joined [member]


Argument Required Description
member The member whose information is requested. If omitted, this defaults to the requesting member.


Shows the moderation log of a given user.

.[userlogs|userlog|ulog] [user]


Argument Required Description
user The user whose log is requested. If omitted, the requesting user receives their own log as a direct message.

The user log given by this command contains the following events:

  • Account creation
  • Guild joins and leaves
  • Username and nickname changes
  • Verification state changes
  • Discord invite approvals and removals and illegal invite posts (provided by Invite Whitelist)
  • Illegal posts in media-only channels (provided by MediaOnly)
  • User notes (provided by User Notes)
  • Passive moderation actions (provided by Mod Tools):
    • Reports
    • Warns
    • Mutes
    • Kicks
    • Bans


  • Every user is allowed to request their own moderation log.
  • Requesting other users' logs, however, requires the user_info.view_userlog permission.


The .init_join_log command creates join (and, if enabled, verification) log entries for every user based on their join dates received from the Discord API, if those entries don't already exist.



  • This command requires the user_info.init_join_log permission. It is recommended to grant this permission only to administrators.
  • As the bot has to individually create log entries in the database for every user, execution of this command may take a while.

Last update: 2021-06-20