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Logging cog

This cog provides commands to set up the logging channels.


The .logging command is the main command of the logging cog. It uses 8 different subcommands, which also often have 2-3 subcommands.

If no subcommand is given, the command shows the settings (channels, editing range, etc).



The .maxage command configures a period after which old log entries should be deleted.

.logging [maxage|ma] <days>
Argument Required Description
days ✔ Time after which the old messages should be deleted

If the value of days is set to -1, the deletion of the log entries is disabled.


The .exclude command excludes a channel from the logging function. It has 2 subcommands.

If no subcommand is given, the command shows a list with excluded channels.

.logging [exclude|x|ignore|i]


Disables the log function for a channel.

.logging exclude [add|a|+] <channel>
Argument Required Description
channel ✔ The channel which should be excluded from logging


Enables the log function for a channel.

.logging exclude [remove|r|del|d|-] <channel>
Argument Required Description
channel ✔ The channel which should be included in logging


Sends a message if an error occurs or e.g. if someone is moving through various channels.

.logging [alert|al|a]


Sets the channel for the log (has to be used to enable the logging channels after disabling).

.logging alert [channel|ch|c] <channel>
Argument Required Description
channel ✔ The channel which should be used for the alert log


Disables alert event logging.

.logging alert [disable|d]


Sends a message if some changes are made, for example creating a reaction role, kick, ban, report, mute, etc.

.logging [changelog|change|cl|c]


Sets the channel for the log (has to be used to enable the logging channels after disabling).

.logging changelog [channel|ch|c] <channel>
Argument Required Description
channel ✔ The channel which should be used for the changelog log


Disables changelog event logging.

.logging changelog [disable|d]


Sends a message if a message was edited.

.logging [edit|e]


Sets the channel for the log (has to be used to enable the logging channels after disabling).

.logging edit [channel|ch|c] <channel>
Argument Required Description
channel ✔ The channel which should be used for the edit log


Disables edit event logging.

.logging edit [disable|d]


Sets a number for the minimum amount that has to be changed to activate the event.

.logging [edit|e] [mindist|md] <mindist>


Sends a message if a message was deleted.

.logging [delete|d]


Sets the channel for the log (has to be used to enable the logging channels after disabling).

.logging delete [channel|ch|c] <channel>
Argument Required Description
channel ✔ The channel which should be used for the delete log


Disables delete event logging.

.logging delete [disable|d]


Sends a message if a user joined the server.

.logging [member_join|memberjoin|join|mj]


Sets the channel for the log (has to be used to enable the logging channels after disabling).

.logging member_join [channel|ch|c] <channel>
Argument Required Description
channel ✔ The channel which should be used for the member_join log


Disables member_join event logging.

.logging member_join [disable|d]


Sends a message if a user left the server.

.logging [member_leave|memberleave|leave|ml]


Sets the channel for the log (has to be used to enable the logging channels after disabling).

.logging member_leave [channel|ch|c] <channel>
Argument Required Description
channel ✔ The channel which should be used for the member_leave log


Disables member_leave logging.

.logging member_leave [disable|d]

Last update: 2021-06-20